Such and intense dark black cherry hue I pegged it as a Syrah or Petite Sirah blend, and the bouquet only confirmed this--I thought. Big jammy bouquet full of fruit and black berries galore with a touch of blueberry with loads of savory spices and tar.
Palate--Big fruit forward, fruit bomb with lots to like if your life fruit bombs which I do. Loads of blackberry jam with a beam of dark berry/cherry fruit and a finish which lingers.
From what I could find, this is a Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot/Zinfandel/ Petite Sirah blend. Well, Zin for sure and Petite Sirah even more so. At any rate, I like it and at $10 it's nice if you love this style so raise a glass! And by the way--Happy New Year in 2020. May the Lord have mercy on our nation and draw hearts unto Himself. He is our only hope for true peace and joy!
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