This Oregon quaff with the hard to pronounce name is a lightly golden hue with a bouquet of aromas full of light lemon merengue, creme brûlée, a veritable spray of tropical fruits, sweet powder and that's all "above the rim!" In the glass you get a slightly oily (riesling like) with sweet and savory spicing with Chinese five spice to finish it off. Wowzer this is wonderful.
Palate--A nicely balanced acidic structure carries this bone dry Gewurz making it seem like it is a really sweet wine when it is not. A novice mistake with many white wines is they are shunned for being too sweet when they have no residual sugar! Fruitiness and sweetness are often confused. The tropical fruit presence is a bit subdued but there's plenty to enjoy in this really nice Guh-VERTZ-stra-meen-er!
You should find this for around $15 and it is a really nicely made Gewürz (pronounced GuhVERTZ) so raise a glass!
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